Fuel used by different Aircraft-Carriers


Fuel used by aircraft carriers nowadays is Nuclear Power. The carriers would have a reaction heater and store the fuel in solid form. They would heat the nuclear particles using the heater. The breaking down of the nucleus would give out a lot of heat energy. This kind of heat energy can be used to boil water in the pressure chamber. The steam can affect a large pushing force to push the motor, in turn to push the series of turbines.

Let us investigate the breaking of nucleus!


The neutrons would effect with balanced product. The loss of neurons reduced. This can affect a larger power. Besides, the breaking is controlled. The temperature would be controlled. The energy reduced is reduced. This would not cause explosion under normal condition. The possibility of accident is minimized. Do you know what the basic structures of the procedure are?

Please refer to the below diagram.




The nucleus fuels during breaking will produce radiation. However, it can¡¦t pass through heavy medium such as high-density metal. Therefore, the insulating should be made of heavy metal.  Afterwards, the energy would pass through the controls in order to minimize the power. Then the heat energy would boil the water in the pressure chamber, exceeding 400 degrees Celsius!

Advantages using nucleus fuel

1.    We can get unlimited power through the breaking of matter.

2.    This would not bring hard damage to the marine environment.

3.    Using nucleus fuel would not occur much space in the carrier.

4.    This would not affect the volume of water released.  

Aircraft carriers that use nucleus power as fuel:


Historical facts

Old aircraft carriers would rather use fossil oil as their main fuel. Since nucleus power was developed in the 1960¡¦s, carriers constructed before 1963 use oil as fuel. Although it¡¦s the main fuel, this would bring many disadvantages to both the environment and the carriers themselves.

Disadvantages in list:

1.    This would bring great damages to the environment if the oil is released into the sea (but this is so often)

2.    Oil is hilly flammable. This will cause fire very easily.

3.    Oil has a heavy weight in solid form and the power is limited.

4.    The pushing forced is weaker. They need external fuel service.

5.    The combustion chamber for fossil oil occur a very large place.

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