The Landing and Lifting of Different Aircrafts on the Carriers

Do you know how the fighters land on the platform on the aircraft carriers? Normal crafts would turn to 30 degree gradient after slowing down the speed. Then the can land onto the carrier just like other planes¡¦ landing at the airport! Below planes would land in this way!

F/A 18 (USA)

F/A 15 (USA)

AV 8 (Britain)

What kind of aircrafts are they? Sure, they¡¦re jet fighters that have a very stream-lined shape. They have to lower their speed. Also, They need a long platform while landing in order to increase friction steadily. A part from that, there is a hook and also a large net to  stop.

They also need a platform to launch because they need to have balanced pressure at first for safety. They need to increase their speed in a long way, let air pass them in an increasing speed. Except a hook to help landing, there is a hook which is to lift an aircraft, too!


However, the planes below are not like that. Let¡¦s look at them to observe more! Their structures are little bit different from the fighters above.

SH-60 (USA) 

CH-53E (France)

A-10 (Britain)

 What are their structures? They can land on the platform vertically. It is because they can control the air pressure around them. You can see that their nozzles are all directed. They can face different directions. They can even fire opposite in order to lower the speed. They can launch and land vertically.

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