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Visual C++ in 12 Easy Lessons

Visual C++™ in 12 Easy Lessons


About the Authors


- 1 -Programming and Visual C++

- 2 -Overview of C++ Programs

- Project 1 -Programming with Visual C++

- 3 -Style Issues

- 4 -Visual C++'s Program Structure

- Project 2 -Analyzing Visual C++ Programs

- 5 -Numbers and Characters

- 6 -String Data and I/O

- Project 3 -Data Basics

- 7 -Fundamental Math Operators

- 8 -Relational and Logical Operators

- Project 4 -Simple Operators

- 9 -Special Operations

- 10 -Power with switch

- Project 5 -Taking Charge

- 11 -What while Is for

- 12 -Controlling Loops and Branching

- Project 6 -Looping Back and Forth

- 13 -Building Your Own Functions

- 14 -More on Functions

- Project 7 -Break It Up with Functions

- 15 -Arrays Multiply Storage

- 16 -Pointers Simplified

- Project 8 -Lots of Data

- 17 -Structure with struct

- 18 -Allocating Memory

- Project 9 -Consolidating Items

- 19 -Object-Oriented Programming

- 20 -Making and Breaking Classes

- Project 10 -Object-Oriented Programming

- 21 -Inheritance

- 22 -Polymorphism: Calling the Right Function

- Project 11 -Inheritance and Virtual Functions

- 23 -Visual C++ Library of Functions

- 24-Storing Data in Files

- Project 12 -Using Disk Files

- A -Installing Microsoft® Visual C++™ 1.0

- B -The ASCII Table

- C -Visual C++ Operator Precedence Table

- D -Visual C++ Command Reference

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