


1.海洛英 Heroin

2.搖頭丸 MDMA

3.K-仔 Ketamine

4.大麻 Marijuana

5. 冰 Methylamphetamine

6.藍精靈 Triazolam

7.可卡因 Cocaine


1. 海洛英Heroin

俗稱白粉、灰、四仔是一種由嗎啡提煉出來能引致極深毒癮的毒品。嗎啡則經由鴉片提煉出來,它的醫藥用途在於鎮痛,有助於減低因末期癌症等所引發的深層痛楚。而海洛英則沒有任何醫藥用途。東南亞的非法種植海洛英地區為著名的「金三角」地帶,其範圍包括緬甸、寮國、越南和泰國的一些高原。源於「緬甸」山「Shan」省的海洛英經由雲南、廣西、廣東三省流入本港(參圖一 )。




2. 搖頭丸、狂喜、忘我(亞甲二氧基甲基安非他明)MDMA



3. K-仔(氯胺酮)Ketamine


4. 大麻(草)、大麻樹脂 Marijuana



大麻主要影響人體的中樞神經,引致行為性的改變。低至中度劑量的大麻會產生極樂、輕鬆等感覺,而視覺、聽覺和味覺都會相應增強。其他不良的反應有人格分裂、對本身形象的觀感改變、失去方向感、眼睛對跟蹤在行動的物體有困難、時間感應拖長、更會有急性恐慌或狂躁的現象出現。曾有醫學報告指出有精神錯亂和幻覺的事例,然而這些情形極可能與大麻中有PCP (angel dust) angel dust混進有關。




5. 冰(甲基安非他明)Methylamphetamine




6. 藍精靈 Triazolam

又名白瓜子、三口坐 侖。它的醫學用途為治療失眠,卻有令人感到昏睡、身體軟弱、頭痛、頭輕、步履不穩等等的副作用。服用過量的藍精靈可以使人精神混亂、反射遲緩、動作呆濟、昏睡和失去知覺。


7. 可卡因 Cocaine




十字架(氟硝西泮、氟硝安定) Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) 氟硝西泮是一種著名的迷姦藥,因為它有令人失憶的果效。服用者會在藥物影響之下忘記所發生的事情。這藥更在人體內很快分解,使它在性侵犯的案件中很難被追查出來,不過法醫化驗所可以用色譜分離法和質譜分離法來追查氟硝西泮在人體內分解的中途物質來鑑定有否服用此藥。


LSD(麥角副酸二乙基先胺) Lysergic Acid Diethylamide




以上只是一些比較常見的派對藥物例子,毒販不停地將新藥推進市場,以弁取暴利。醫學研究根本趕不上這些新藥的腳蹤。但是從不同的藥物研究報告中,我們可以下一定論,凡是被濫用的藥物對人體必定有害,問題只在乎破壞的程度有多少而已。美國聯幫政府將一些有可能被濫用的醫療藥物按照其危險程度分成四類﹕由第二類到第五類。第二類較第三至第五類危險,其中包括20種藥物,嗎啡,美砂酮被歸類在當中。第三至第五類包括44種藥物,亞士匹靈、可待因 (止咳藥成份)、三口坐 侖及好幾種鎮靜劑都被列於表上。(參。許多藥物都是天然特別能在醫療範圍內使用,可發揮正常功能,一旦走出其正常軌道卻可以引致性命之虞。科學研究亦指出可加因、酒精、煙草全部都會對人類和其後代有不良的影響。我們掌握了這些資料對使用藥物便要非常小心。有時我們嗅到天拿水、塗改液、指甲油清洗液等等覺得很好嗅,不過如果故意長期性嗅這些東西都會對身體器官,特別是腦部做成破壞。毒品可以令人行為改變,破壞記憶,而記憶是學習所必需的功能,此外它們又會帶來行動機能的損毀;使用毒品會造成一個惡性循環,令用者在毒品的作用下更加失去生存力量而更想逃避現實,於是又再回到毒品的爪牙之下。一個使用毒品的人就好像開了一扇門把自己帶返魔鬼為他佈下的陷阱裡。















1. Drug Intelligence Brief, Club Drugs: An update September 2001, DEA Intelligence

Division, Office of Domestic Intelligence, Domestic Strategic Unit, U.S.A.

2. Drug Intelligence Brief, Hong Kong's Changing Role in Drug Trafficking-October

1999, DEA Intelligence Division, Office of Domestic Intelligence, Domestic Strategic Unit, U.S.A.

3. Tips for Teens: The Truth About Club Drugs, Substance Abuse and Metal Health Services Administration, 2000

4. Opium Poppy Cultivation and Heroin Processing in Southeast Asia March 2001 U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration

5. Grave Consequences of Heroin addiction May, 2001 David Dorfman, American Council on Science and Health

6. 澳門禁毒報告書1991 – 2000











90年代Raves在英國興起,這種風氣又在美國流行起來,在這些派對中青年人肆無忌憚地濫用毒品。根據英國Drugscope2001年7月12日的報告指出,流入倫敦的毒品的途徑包括通過英國的希斯魯(Heathrow),格域(Gatwick),倫敦市(London City)和英國皇家空軍基地機場等;此外亦有經由泰晤士河和馬場流入英國。騎師如果只是停留半天作賽,用直昇機抵達,往往不需要過海關,就可以短暫停留。 在舊約聖經中我們發現當假先知、假祭司供奉他們的假神時,他們都會有狂喜現象,這些狂喜現象與服用毒品後的反應雷同,要解釋這個原因,一方面可能是假先知、假祭司邪靈附身,另方面可能他們服用了毒品。

絕大部份的搖滾樂手都有服用藥物的習慣,許多搖滾樂都是在毒品藥力發作時寫成的。約翰連儂(John Lennon)一首名曲「想像沒有天堂」(Imagine There's no Heaven)的歌詞完全與基督教抗衡;「鷹」(Eagles)的「加州酒店」(Hotel California)是為紀念60年代第一間在美國加州成立的撒但教會,歌詞令人聽後毛骨悚然。有些流行曲製作時用了「掩蓋」(Masking),「倒轉」(Inversion)等等的方法來輸入人類的潛意識。將一些來自幽暗角落的意識種植到青少年人的魂。有些流行曲用一些怪聲掩蓋了背後一段說話,其中內容常常是叫人敬拜撒但的。1990年筆者在蘇格蘭一位華人弟兄家中,親耳聽到他利用電腦把一首流行曲倒轉播放,歌詞竟然是「吸食大麻是好的」(It is good to take Marijuana)。一些流行曲更公然叫人去自殺。



許多曾被提到天上的上帝的僕人包括孫大索,都沒有在天堂聽到搖滾樂(Rock & Roll)或者是Rap這種音樂,這些都是屬魂的音樂,絕不適宜在教會中播放。




我們既然知道毒品是人類的禍害,也了解到戒毒並不容易,就要小心不要亂試毒品,更要把有關毒品的正確觀念灌輸他人。 ◆


Drug Problems in Hong Kong


Adverse Effects of Drugs


After many decades, heroin still ranks first among all the drugs that are being abused in Hong Kong.   In the 90’s MDMA, Ketamine and other club drugs started to come into the drug scene.   The current drug second in rank is MDMA followed by Ketamine.   The top seven most commonly abused drugs in Hong Kong as recorded in the first half of 2001 are as follow:  1.  heroin  2.  MDMA  3.  ketamine  4.  marijuana  5.  methylamphetamine  6.  triazolam   7.  cocaine.   While Macau is seeing a decline in the use of heroin, Hong Kong is still fighting this major culprit to many tragedies.


1.  Heroin is also known as diacetylmorphine. It is a highly addictive synthetic narcotic derived from morphine.  Morphine is manufactured from opium. While morphine is used for pain relief in situations like terminal cancer because of its high potency, heroin does not have any medical application.  The renowned illegal opium production areas lie in the so-called “Golden Triangle” areas: the highlands of Mainland Southeast Asia (Burma, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand) .  The drug is smuggled into Hong Kong via the provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong.

Map 1 Heroin that has its origin from the Shan State of Burma is transported through   Southern China to Guangdong Province and Hong Kong.  Shaded area is the Golden Triangle.

( Map adapted from Map 2 Drug Intelligence Brief, Hong Kong’s Changing Role in Drug Trafficking-October 1999, DEA Intelligence Division, Office of Domestic Intelligence, Domestic Strategic Unit, U.S.A.)

Heroin has been the source of many social problems in Hong Kong. The following may be a typical portrayal of a person suffering from such kind of addiction: “ An emaciated person who looks far older far his age. He has very high pain threshold and exhibits much mood swings as narcotic drugs have potent pain relief effects associated with significant mood and behavioral changes. He has great difficulties coming off the drug because of hangovers.  It is very likely that he will experience premature death due to drug overdose.  Life will not be easy for him even if he does not die before his time.  He might be a frequenter of jails since the craving of the drug will push him towards a criminal lifestyle.  He might be a heavy drinker at the same time.  For female addicts, prostitution is a very common way in exchange for the drug. The addict will die a horrible death as a result of liver disease, heart disease, cancer, AIDS, or homicide…the picture of the life of a heroin addict is nothing far from a gloom." 


“Club Drugs” is a collective term for a range of illicit drugs, mainly synthetic, that are most commonly encountered at nightclubs and raves.  The drugs include MDMA, ketamine, Rohypnol, methamphetamine, LSD etc.  The false perception that these drugs are not as harmful, nor as addictive, as traditional drugs such as cocaine and heroin has paved the way for them to gain popularity.  Another danger associated with this drug abuse is drug substitutions when the drugs are either replaced by similar looking substances or come in impure form.  Most club drugs are tasteless or odorless.  Some are made into a powder form making it unnoticeable when the drugs are slipped into drinks and dissolved.  That is why some of them are called “date-rape” drugs.   The following is a summary of the characteristics and effects of some of these drugs:

2.  MDMA (3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) (“Ecstasy”, “XTC”, “E”, “X”, and “Adam”, “ Lover’s Speed”, “ Clarity”)

This drug is the most popular of the club drugs; usually taken orally in tablet form, with its effects lasting approximately 4 to 6 hours. Coupled with its hallucinogenic effects, the drug reduces inhibitions, eliminates anxiety, and produces feelings of empathy for others. It does not have any medical application.   When taken at raves, where all-night dancing usually occurs, the drug often leads to severe dehydration and heat stroke which can be lethal to the user.

Cell death occurs from the first exposure to MDMA although its functional effects may not be seen for months.  Long-term effects of the drug include confusion, depression, sleep disorders, anxiety, paranoia and memory loss.  Physical symptoms include muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness and chills or sweating.

3.  Ketamine (“K”, “Special K”, and “Cat Valium”)

Ketamine is normally an injectable anesthetic used by veterinarians, however, in the abused form, it is applied to smokable material, or consumed in drinks. The powdered form is extracted by allowing the solvent to evaporate, leaving a white powder that, once pulverized, resembles cocaine in appearance.  Ketamine has similar visual effects of LSD. Users report that it is better than LSD because the trip lasts an hour or less. Low doses of the drug produce a euphoric experience called “K-Land,” a mellow, colorful “wonder world”,  “K-Hole,” an “out of body” or “near-death” experience are produced at higher dosage of the drug.   The effects of the drug include delirium, amnesia, depression, and long-term memory and cognitive difficulties. Because of its dissociative effect, it is reportedly used as a date-rape drug.


4.  Marijuana ("grass"; "pot"; "Mary Jane"; "dweebidge"; "reefer"; "joint"; "hashish"; "cannabis")

Marijuana is now the 4th ranking drug being abused in Hong Kong.  It has a longer history of abuse than other club drugs. Marijuana is extracted from the hemp plant (cannabis sativa), which contains THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). Other cannaboids are found in the leaves and flowering shoots of the plant. Resinous marijuana — hashish is taken from the tops of female plants, which contains the highest concentration of THC.

Marijuana is inhaled from the smoke through a joint or a pipe; its effect may be noted within seconds to several minutes after.  When it is ingested with food containing the drug, the effects will take 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion before they can be noticed. Since the smoker feels the effects almost instantly, further inhalation can be terminated at any time and the effect therefore regulated. In contrast, those ingesting marijuana experience effects that are slower to develop, longer lasting, additive and more variable, making unpleasant reactions more likely with this method of administration.

Marijuana primarily causes behavioral changes in a person as it affects the central nervous system (CNS). The effects of low to moderate doses of the drug are euphoria, sense of relaxation, increased visual, auditory, and taste perceptions. Adverse effects that may occur include depersonalization, changed body image, disorientation, impaired visual tracking, prolonged sense of timing and acute panic reactions or severe paranoia. Some cases of severe  
delirium and  hallucinations have also been reported. Such cases should raise suspicion that the marijuana may have been mixed with another agent such as PCP.

Marijuana has specific effects that may decrease one's ability in performing activities demanding a great deal of coordination (such as driving a car).  R regular users may develop an "amotivational syndrome" which is characterized by a loss of energy, a lack of concentration,  impaired memory (especially short term), decreased effectiveness and performance at school and work, and a general lack of ambition and drive to work towards long-term goals.


 Other effects of the drug may include blood-shot eyes; increased  heart rate and  blood pressure; bronchodilatation, or in some users, bronchial irritation leading to bronchoconstriction and/or bronchospasm;  pharyngitis,  sinuisitis,  bronchistis, and  asthma in heavy users; reversible  infertility and possible detrimental effects upon the immune system.

Regular users may experience withdrawal effects of agitation, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety.


5.  Methamphetamine  (“Speed”, “Ice”, “Chalk”, “Meth”, “Crystal”, “Crank”, “Fire, and “Glass”)

This drug appears in the form of a white, odorless, bitter-tasting, soluble crystalline powder known as ice, synthesized primarily in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, thereafter smuggled into Hong Kong.  It has emerged as an alternative to MDMA at clubs and raves.  It can be smoked, snorted, injected, or taken orally. The injection of methamphetamine can contribute to higher rates of infectious disease, especially hepatitis, HIV, and AIDS. The medical application of methamphetamine includes appetite suppression, acting as central nervous stimulant and treatment of narcolepsy. Methamphetamine abuse can lead to memory loss, aggressive behavior, violence, psychotic and paranoid behavior, and potential cardiac and neurological damage.

6.      Triazolam

Triazolam is a benzodiazepine commonly used to treat sleep disorders. The adverse effects of triazolam include excessive daytime drowsiness, unusual weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, clumsiness, or unsteadiness.

Triazolam is the drug that some doctors in private practice sold to addicts in great quantity in recent years and were thus prosecuted.


7.      Cocaine

Cocaine is extracted from cocoa leaves.  It is a bitter, crystalline substance.  When snorted, cocaine is generally called "coke." If smoked, it is given the names "crack" or "rock."    The symptoms induced by cocaine include:  decreased appetite and weight loss; abnormal talkativeness;  mood swings, paranoia and incoherent speech; pupil dilatation and apparent intoxication;  if it is snorted symptoms of sniffling, runny nose, and nosebleeds, rupture in the cartilage separating the nostrils.  Lethal effects are seizures and coma; cardiac arrest or respiratory failure; suicidal behavior after prolonged use



Flunitrazepam ( Rohypnol )(“ Roofies”, “Mexican Valium”, “Rib”, “ Roach-2”)

Rohypnol, a date-rape drug, produces an anterograde amnesia, in which events that occurred while under the influence of the drug are forgotten. The drug breaks down very quickly, making it harder to detect in sexual assault cases when forensic laboratories need to screen for the flunitrazepam metabolite, 7-amino-flunitrazepam, using gas chromatography and/or mass spectrometry.

Apart from anterograde amnesia, Rohypnol often causes decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, visual disturbances, dizziness, confusion, gastrointestinal disturbances, and urinary retention. Rohypnol has been used as a short-term prescription for insomnia and as a preanesthetic medication.

LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide) (“ Acid, Boomers, Yellow Sunshines, Cid, Doses, and Trips

This is a powerful hallucinogenic compound, which can cause panic, confusion, suspicion, and anxiety. It does not have any medical application.

Although LSD does not produce the same compulsive, drug-induced behavior of heroin, flashbacks that are long-term effects of persistent psychosis and hallucinogenic disorders, can occur even after the user has stopped taking the drug.                   Pure LSD is a clear or white, odorless crystalline material that is water-soluble. The most common method of distributing LSD is blotter paper, which often comes with colorful designs to mask the impurities.  Occasionally it may be in liquid form.

The above information is by no means comprehensive or exhaustive since it provides a glimpse to the deleterious effects of a few selected drugs only. Drug traffickers are pumping more and more new varieties into the market in order to satisfy their own greed in gaining more money making current research lagging behind the drug scene; e.g.,  Nimetazepam, an unregistered tranquilizer, is starting to gain popularity, although its trend of being abused is not yet clear.   Scientific research findings have all concluded that other substances like alcohol and tobacco have adverse effects not only on the human body but to his offspring as well. The Federal  Government of the U.S. has listed at least 64 kinds of drugs as controlled substances (also called scheduled drugs).  They are medicines that are particularly prone to abuse and can cause physical or psychological dependence. Controlled substances with legal medical uses are divided under four categories: Schedules II-V.  Schedule II drugs are more dangerous than the others.  There are 20 drugs within this category.  Morphine and methadone are two of them.  There are 44 drugs listed in Schedule III to V.  Some readily available drugs, e.g., aspirin, codeine, and a few sedatives, e.g., triazolam are on the list.

With all the information at hand we should be very careful about attempting the use of drugs.  The use of many kinds of drugs produces a whole host of diverse destructive effects in a person, e.g., they may cause behavioral changes damage to memory, which is basic to learning, the motor system and other parts of the brain.  All these would create a vicious cycle causing the person rely even more on the drug in order to escape from reality in which he finds himself harder to cope due to functional disorders.  A person who opens himself up to the use of drugs is also opening himself up to the downward spiral that the devil has for him. It is vital that we should guard against even the very first attempt of drugs.

Causes of the problems in brief

Recent statistics have shown that the pursuit of comfort (the absence of the drug would cause them discomfort), tops the list of reasons for youngsters taking drugs, with peer group pressure coming next in ranking.

        Many youth problems have their root in improper parenting, one of the reasons of which being the lack of family planning.  I was involved with helping drug addicts coming off drugs and also taking care of their families in Hong Kong before. I also helped Aids patients in Edinburgh, the then Aids capital of Europe, in 1990.   One of the ministries, which took up a lot of my time, was children ministry.  I had found that family education had profound influence on the development and course of direction of a child.  Certainly the actions and choices made by a child reflect his own personality:  “ Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.”  (Prov. 20:11).   In general I found many Chinese families having the tendency of polarization:  sometimes the parents might seem very liberal, sometimes very harsh depending on situations.  When parents project their anger and grievances against the environment on their children in terms of scolding and /or corporeal punishment under the pretext of teaching and disciplining, all these verbal and physical abuses will only create even more problems.  It is good to give a child sufficient freedom and proper disciplining out of love.  This would allow the child to develop his natural gifting and that he can progress to the next stages in his life rather than regress to a stage of shunning all potential hurts and realities. Therefore, any forms of polarization are best to be avoided (Eccles. 7:16-18). 

       In his book Before the Throne of Grace, Sadhu Sundar Selveraj wrote that parents have great responsibilities in raising their children. The reason, he believed, that the U.S.A. is experiencing social chaos now is because parents are indulgent with their children.  The method that they use in teaching their children is wrong.

“He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” (Prov.13: 24)

“Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. ” (Prov. 23:13-14)

        Further, he added that the future of the children is in the hands of the parents, whether the children will go to heaven or hell is also the responsibilities of the parents.  Parents should teach the children to fear God.  Even when they go astray, the Lord will bring them back, as the Word of God (original:seed) will remain in their hearts.  Therefore parents should admonish and raise their children with the Word of God.

“ Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Prov. 22:6)

        Unfortunately, parental inversion is not an uncommon phenomenon in Hong Kong.

Jesus is the answer to all.  He has a plan for all of us.  We have to seek God for what He calls us to do.  A lot of discomfort and dissatisfaction arise from our failure to understand God’s plan for us. (Gal 1:15)  God speaks to us when our relationship with Him is restored.

Jesus does not always reject us if we are wrong.

“ As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.” (Ps103:12)

God does respect all our decisions, yet we have to pay for the consequences of our actions.  If we break the laws God set in nature, we sin against God and will reap what we harvest.  We should not fall prey to satan’s plot in destroying us as “ The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;” ( Jn.10:10a)

The Lord Jesus is the only answer to all the problems in our lives: “ I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (Jn 10:10b)


1.                    Drug Intelligence Brief,  Club Drugs: An update September 2001, DEA Intelligence Division, Office of Domestic Intelligence, Domestic Strategic Unit, U.S.A.

2.                    Drug Intelligence Brief, Hong Kong’s Changing Role in Drug Trafficking-October 1999, DEA Intelligence Division, Office of Domestic Intelligence, Domestic Strategic Unit, U.S.A.

3.                    Tips for Teens: The Truth About Club Drugs, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2000

4.                   Opium Poppy Cultivation and Heroin Processing in Southeast Asia  March 2001  U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration

5.                    David Dorfman, Grave Consequences of Heroin Addiction  May,2001     American Council on Science and Health

6.                    Macau  Anti-narcotic Report (1991-2000) Chinese Version





Acknowledgement:  the author would like to thank the staff of the Narcotics Division , the Government of  Hong Kong, SAR, for their cordial assistance.




Drugs: a satanic weapon


There is a story which goes like this: “ About 3,200 years ago, in a place 160 meters away from Zoah and Eshtaol lived a group of quiet and secure people.  Their way of life was similar to that of the Sidonians, which was a branch of the Phoenicians.  The Sidonians were merchants in the Mediterranean world.  The place that the story took place was Laish. The inhabitants of Laish did not experience any harassment from rulers since there was none among them. Because they were living a stable and prosperous life, they did not guard themselves against anybody.  They were quite a distance from the Sidonians and did not have any relationship with other people groups.  One day, all of a sudden, their security was broken into by a troop of army formed by the tribe of Dan of Israel. The Danites killed the Laish people with their knives and set the whole city of Laish on fire.  As the Laish people did not have contacts with any other people and the Sidonians, who had some relationship with them, were far away, nobody came to their assistance when they were annihilated.”  This story was recorded in the Book of Judges 18:7-28.

        During the 2nd World War, Switzerland was the famous neutral country, yet it had the highest rate of suicide in the world.

        In 1990, I had a short stay in Dunblane, Glasgow, trying to help an ex-Triad family to come to the Lord.  I worked in the fast-food shop owned by the family and lived with them. Dunblane was a middle-class area. Behind this beautiful, tranquil scene typical of Scotland was a group of wild young delinquents who engaged themselves in taking drugs and causing great disturbance to the local people. There were many nights when these young people came to smoke, spit, yell, and scream in the fast-food shop.  When the shop owner closed the door, they would still kick the door and bang on it.  Calling the police did not have much effect on the situation.  Even at a young age, e.g. twelve, these kids already knew how to twist facts and fabricate evidence to frame the innocent.

        In the 60’s “pop music” started to gain grounds among young people in the U.K. The “Beatles” later came to the scene and became very popular.  The “Beatles” even held some concerts in the U.S.A. The organizers of these concerts had either Mafia or other types of underworld background.  They tried to attract young people to the concerts and sold drugs to them in order to satisfy their greed for money.

        In the 90’s  “raves” took their roots in the U.K. and spread to the U.S.  In these kinds of parties, young people indulge themselves in experimenting different kinds of drugs.  Drugs have almost become a readily available item in the U.K. According to Drugscope News 12/07/2001( points of entry of drugs into the U.K., in and around London, include the airports (Heathrow, Gatwick, London City, Royal Air Force bases), the Thames and the race courses: jockeys could fly into the U.K. by helicopter for an afternoon race and bring in drugs without going through any customs checks.

In the Old Testament, we read that when the false prophets and false priests worshipped their gods, they experienced ecstasies, which were created by the entering in of demons or could also have been a result of the use of drugs.

Many of the “Rock & Rollers” are habitual drug takers and a lot of their work was written under the effects of drugs.  John Lennon’s  “Imagine there is no heaven” made a clear stand against one of the major Christian doctrines. “Eagles’ ”  “Hotel California” was written in commemoration of the founding of the first satanic (the use of the small letter “s” for such a name is deliberate) church in California, U.S.A.  “Masking”, “Inversion” and “subliminal effects” are methods often used to infiltrate the human subconscious with “hidden messages”.  I once heard a pop-song with the “reversed lyric” “ it is good to take marijuana”.  Sometimes pop music record producers used strange noise to cover up messages that they wanted to implant into the listeners’ minds.  Occasionally there are pop-songs with overt lyric in praise of suicide.

        The Bible recorded five “I will’s” of satan :  “ For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” ( Isa 14:13-14)  satan wants to be coequal with God and to be worshipped by human beings.  In many temples, one of the rituals in the worship of false gods is human sexual intercourse. The Bible has a written account of these rituals.  In raves and some revelry, under the influence of drugs, fornication becomes much easier when human inhibition is lowered.  The Bible says: “ Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.  What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” ( I Corinth 6:18-19).  Drugs are one of the weapons satan uses to destroy human bodies.

        There is no witness whatsoever of the presence of “ Rock & Roll” music or rap in heaven among those whose spirits were taken up to heaven.  “ Rock & Roll” music or rap are products of the human souls and should be banned in churches.

        In his book « I walked in Heaven with Jesus », Rev Percy Collett made mention of a Red Indian tribe that inhabited the inner reaches of the Amazon Basin.  They shifted from the traditional honorable lifestyle into a demoralizing one when they sunk deeper and deeper into the mire of drug abuse.  They left their original tribe and enticed some people from over thirty other tribes to follow them into their newfound homes where they could grow hashish.  They could no longer exert voluntary control over their own behaviors and got engaged with sexual abuses as a result of the use of drugs.  Among these tribesmen, love was expressed through cruelties and violence.  Many of them would die of drug overdose and tremendous physical trauma.  Apart from using cannabis, they also took drugs of greater potency, one of which they extracted from flies.  The drug was a greenish liquid, which they mixed with water and drank in large quantity.  These kinds of drugs could easily take their lives.  By using other drugs like LSD and extracts of a plant called “Jaquaine”, they were able to experience euphoria.  All these drugs cause great damage to the human brain.  Sustained use of the drugs for three years was enough to take a tribesman’s life.  Hangovers would last for weeks after taking the drugs for three days.

        It is very clear that drugs can cause massive harm to the human body.  Coming off drugs is not an easy task.  The body experiences a great deal of physical stress when it undergoes detoxification — a period of time in which the body rids itself of the abuse substance. Symptoms that occur during detoxification include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.  This creates an imbalance of fluids, calories, and electrolytes. Hypertension, which may be a side effect of substance abuse, dehydration and constipation, may be present during recovery.  Substance substitution in which the drug of choice is replaced by nicotine, caffeine, or sugar is not desirable as this type of substitution can continue the addictive behavior and compromise the person's progress. There is also an increased tendency to transfer the drug addiction to a food addiction during treatment.  Relapse may occur when proper disciplining is lacking and when there are the occurrences of snacking between meals; irregular schedule of meals; and fluctuations of blood sugar level due to the irregular intake of food and the timing of the meals.  There are reports that an intake of foods high in simple sugar may help the recovering persons staying off the addictive drugs. It is advisable to stay away from drugs, which are but satan’s weapons against mankind.

The Islamic State of Afghanistan is a country that majors in the activities of cultivating, processing and trafficking of opiate and cannabis products.  In 2000 alone, it produced over 70 percent of the world's supply of illicit opium.  Worldwide trafficking of Afghanistan’s morphine base, heroin and hashish has already become the country’s primary source of income.  

Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1979.  The subsequent withdrawal of the Soviets ten years later was only followed by a civil strife.  With all these political upheavals in the past and the present turmoil that the country is undergoing, one could almost hear the ringing sound of a verse of the Scripture “ … all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”  ( Matt 26:52) …


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