Main SARS Site
Academic Journals
My article collection
Background Information

SARS (Specific Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is the first severe and readily transmissible new disease to emerge in the 21st century. It has the symptoms of pneumonia, including high fever, cough or breathing difficultly. The overall mortality is 13%.It is believed that SARS has spread most commonly by doses person to person contact in expose to infectious droplet. The disease is a serious threat not only to Asia but also to the whole world.

This site contains references for the use of academic purpose. It is divided in 5 section

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where the important information can be found.
contain links toward online journal website.s most of them would need to be subscribe to view the full articles online. Otherwise they  university should have no problem to access it( either online or paper copies in the library). 
The major news website.
This is the journal article that I collected for my final year disseration
Background information, including science,  ecology, history of disease that  about SARS. 

by Henry Chiu,  in 3/2004